martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Jumpluff(HeartGold & Soul Silver Set)

Hello everyone and sorry for not doing the card of the day review for the last week, but I went to a hotel and they didn't have a computer, but now that i'm back let's get started. This is a stage 2 pokemon card so 90 hp is pretty good, but I have seen stage 1 pokemon with more hp. Okay this card doesn't have much hp so a x2 weakness to fire can knock it down easily and fire s used a lot in the pokemon game. A -20 resistance to fighting is really bad since fighting isn't used that much and i wish it could be something better like water or something because water is used just a little more often. One great thing about this card is that it doesn't have a retreat cost so that kind of makes up for the weakness and resistance. His first attack is called Mass attack and it works for 1 energy, 1 grass energy, and it does 10x damage because it says that it does 10 damage times the number of Pokemon in play(both your and your opponent's). His second attack is called Leaf Guard and it does 30 damage for 1 grass energy. Leaf Gurad also says during your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Jumpluff by attacks is reduced by 30( after applying Weakness and Resistance). So what I would do is put this card on the field and keep using Leaf Guard which could sometimes help when your fighting fire type Pokemon because if the defending pokemon has already used that attack it's reduced by 30 which isn't that great, but it will help a bit. Later on when there's a bunch of pokemon in the game I would use Mass Attack which could end up doing a lot of damage and then if that weakness to fire gets to dangerous you can retreat Jumpluff very easily. Anyways stay tuned for tomorrow's card of the day.Peace out and bye.

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Darkrai promo(Premium Box set)

Hello today's card of the day is Darkrai promo from the Premium Box. I know this card is not from an actual pack, but my friend wanted me to this card. Now this card has 80 hp so it's pretty bad cause I expected more from a Basic legendary pokemon. Now this card has a +20 weakness to fighting which is a little odd nad it's actually not that bad because fighting isn't used much. This card has a -20 resistance to psichic which is not that good because psichic isn't used much and it's not such a strong type, but with 80 hp only i'll take anything. Now this card has a 1 colorless energy retreat cost is really good because it's easy to retreat th card. Now since this is one of those pokemon with items it can do something special, this item is called Enigma Berry and this item says that if Darkrai is damaged by an attack from your opponent's fighting Pokemon, remove 4 damage counters at the end end of that turn so that makes up for his weakness. Now his first attack is called Spacial Rend and it does 10 for 1 water energy and it says that you search your deck for a Stadium card, show it to your opponen, and put it in into your hand and you have to shuffle your deck afterward and if there are any stadium cards in play you have to discard it. And now his second attack is called Roar of Time and it does 80 damage for 3 metal energy, and you have to search your discard pile for 3 Pokemon, show them to your opponenet, and put them on top of your deck, shuffle your deck afterwars(if you don't have 3 Pokemon in your discard pile this attack does nothing. So this card is pretty good. Peace out and bye.

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Ludicolo (Secret Wonders)

Hello today's card of the day is Ludicolo holo from the Secret Wonders set. This is a stage 2 card so 100 hp is kinda good. Now a +30 weakness to electricity is good and bad, it's good since electric pokemon aren't commonly used, but bad because since it doesn't have much hp it can be knocked out easily. And to top it off it has no resistance which makes not having much hp problem worse. Now a 2 colorless energy retreat cost isn't that bad because if that no resitance, and no weakness problem gets bad you can retreat it easily, and it's also good because some stage 1 cards normally have 3 colorless energy retreat cost so this is pretty good. This card also has a Poke-Body called Rain Dish and it lest you at any time between turns, remove 1 damage counter from Ludicolo so that can help you with his low hp and weakness. And his attack is called Nature Power and it does 60+ damage for 3 enegy's, 1 colorless, 2 water. Now this attcak says that if you have a stadium card in play, this attack does 60 damage plus 20 more damage. And then it also says that if your opponent has a Stadium card in play, the defending pokemon is now confused. So you can end up doing 80 damage for 3 energy's. So stay tuned for tomorrow's card of the day Skuntank holo from the Diamond and Pearl set. Peace out and bye.

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Salamence (Secret Wonders)

Hello today´s card of the day is Salamence from the Secret Wonders set. This card is a stage 2 pokemon so 140 hp is pretty good. Now a +30 weakness to colorless so that's not that bad since it's not commonly used. Now he also has a -20 resistance to fighting. Now a 3 colorless energy retreat cost is pretty pricey so i would use this card until it faints, but that doesn't matter if you have switch trainers in your deck. Now his first attack is called Direct Hit and it does 50 damage for 2 colorless energy, now it says that this attack's damage isn't affected by weakness, resistance, Poke-powers, poke-bodies or any other effects on the defending Pokemon. Dragon Finish works for 4 energy's, 2 fire, 2 water, which is pretty pricey, but it says that you have to discard 2 basic fire energy cards or 2 water energy cards attached to Salamence, if the card you dicsarded 2 basic fire energy cards this attack does 100 damage to the defending pokemon, if you discarded 2 basic water energy cards this attack does 100 damage to one of your opponent's benched pokemon. So this card is pretty good, and stay tuned for tomorrow card of the day which is ludicolo from the Secret Wonders Set.

sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Politoed(Legends Awakened)

Hello today's card of the day is Politoed holo from the Legends Awakened set. This is a stage 2 card so 120 hp is pretty good I guess. Now a +30 weakness to grass is pretty good since grass isn't that strong, and it's +30 which is better than x2 or x1 weakness. Now a no resistance can be a little harmful. Good thing about this card has a 1 colorless energy retreat cost so you can easly retreat it if it runs into trouble. His poke-body, Enthusiasm, says that if you have Poliwag, Poliwhirl, and Poliwrath in play, each of these pokemon's attacks do 60 more damage to the defending pokemon. Frog Hop works for only 1 water energy and 1 colorless, and it does 40+ damage because, you get to flip a coin, now if heads this attack does 40 damage plus 40 more damage so this card is really nice. Now stay tuned for tomorrow's card of the day on Slamance from the Secret Wonders Set. Peace out and bye.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

Card o the day:Koga's Ditto(Gym Challenge)

Hello everyone sorry for not posting any card of the day yesterday, but i'll do 2 today. Today's card of the day is Koga's Ditto from the Gym Challenge set. This is a really old card from a really old set. Okay this card is a basic pokemon card so 40 hp is kinda bad because one attack can knock ditto out. Now a weakness to fighting can be bad, but fighting isn't used much and it isn't that strong. A -30 resistance to psychic is pretty good, but psychic isn't used much, but you can't argue for a -30. A one colorless energy retreat cost is expected since this is a basic card. Now his first attack is Giant Growth and it says that you gat to flip a coin, if heads Koga's Ditto maximum HP is now 80 and Koga's Ditto Pound attack's base damage is 30 instead of 10 and it does all this for 1 colorless energy. Okay now his second attack is Pound and it does 10 damage unless you use giant growth and then it does 30 damage for only one colorless energy. Peace out and bye. Stay tuned tomorrow for Registeel star from the legend maker set.

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Palkia(Majestic Dawn)

Hello today's card of the day is Palkia with a Lustrous Orb from the Majestic Dawn Set. This card has 100 hp which is a lot for a basic pokemon card since most lv x cards have 100 hp too. A +20 weakness to electricity isn't that bad since electric type isn't used much in the pokemon game and Palkia has 100 hp so that weakness shouldn't be that bad. Now no resistance could be a little bad. Now a 3 colorless energy retreat cost can be bad so i would use this card until it faints or only retreat it once. His first attack is called Zone Shift and it works for 1 water energy and it says that your opponent switches the defending pokemon with one of his or her benched pokemon, so this card can do an awesome thing for 1 energy. Now his second attack is Pearl Blast does 60 damage for 4 energy, 2 water and 2 colorless so this attack is a little pricey, but what it says it that you may return an energy card attached to Palkia to your hand, and if you do, choose an energy card attached to the Defending pokemon and return it to your oppnent's hand. So this card is really good. Peace out and bye.

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Bastiodon Gl(Rising Rivals)

Hello today's card of the day review is on Bastiodon Gl from the Rising Rivals Set. This is a basic pokemon card so 90 hp is pretty good. A x2 weakness can really be harmful because fire is used a lot in the pokemon game and it's a really strong type since it usually it has attacks that do 100 or 50 damage, and Bastiodon doesn't have a lot of hp to start with. Then a -20 resistance to psychic isn't that good since psychic isn't used that much and it's not a very strong type. Then a 3 colorless energy retreat cost is really pricey so if i played this card i would battle with it until it faints. Now his first attack is called Bounce Back and it does 30 damage for 3 energy's, 1 metal and 2 colorless, so I wouldn't use this attack unless i'm battling a strong pokemon because this card says that your opponent switches the defending pokemon with of his or her benched pokemon so I would keep my energy's for his other attack unless you want to switch the defending pokemon. Now Smack Attack does 60 damage, but it works for 4 energy's, 1 metal, 3 colorless, but along with that attack it lets you remove 1 damage counter from Bastiodon. So even thought it doesn't have that many hp you can remove those damage counters just as easy. So this card is better for defense than for battling. So peace out and bye.

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Rampardos Gl(Rising Rivals Set)

Hello everyone today's card of the day is Rampardos Gl from the Rising Rivals Set. 90 hp is pretty good for a basic pokemon card. This card has a x2 weakness to grass which is good and bad since grass is stronger on hp than attack, but still x2 weakness is pretty bad and i hope it was +20 instead. This card has no resistance which makes it even worse, but luckily it has a 1 colorless energy retreat cost which is pretty cool because if that weakness to grass causes problems since it only has 90 hp you can retreat it easily. His first attack Trample works for 2 energy, 1 fighting and 1 colorless and it let's you flip a coin for each benched pokemon(sadly both yours and your opponent) because if that flip coin is heads, this attack does 30 damage to that pokemon , but atleast you don't have to count Weakness and resistance for benched pokemon. Then Rend does 40+ damage and it works for 3 energy's,1 fighting, 2 colorless, and it says that if the defending pokemon has any damage counters on it this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage. So this card like all cards has his upsies and his downsies. Stay tuned for tommorow's card of the day Bastiodong Gl. So peace out and bye.

sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Roserade Gl(Rising Rivals)

Hello today's card of the day is Roserade Gl from the Rising Rivals set. To start off this card is a basic Pokemon, so 80 hp is pretty good for a basic pokemon. A x2 weakness can be really harmful since it only has 80 hp. It also doesn't have any resistance which makes it worse, but luckily it has a 1 colorless energy retreat cost so it's gonna be easy to retreat if that weaness to fire does to too much damage. This card's first attack is called Poison Bind and it does 10 damage for one colorless energy. Also along with that 10 damage it says that the defending pokemon is now poisoned and can't retreat during your opponent's next turn. Long Whip let's you do 30 damage for 2 energy's, one grass and one colorless. Now Long Whip also says that if the Defending Pokemon is affected by any special conditions you may do 30 damage to any 1 bencheed pokemon instead, but sadly you can't count weakness and resistance to benched pokemon. Now what i would do is use Poison Bind to poison the other pokemon and then use Long Whip to do 30 damage to a benched pokemon your'e more interested in knocking out so stay tuned for tomorrow card of the day review on Rampardos Gl. Peace out and bye.

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Magmortar Lv. X(Mysterious Treasures Set)

Hello today's card of the day is Magmortar Lv.X from the Mysterious Treasures Set. This card is a stage 3 card and it has a 130 hp which is pretty good, but i expected more from a stage 3 card. This card has a x2 weakness to water which can be really harmful since water is commonly used pokemon game. One thing about this card is that it has no resistance which can be bad since it already has a x2 weakness to water. This card has a 3 colorless energy retreat cost which is pretty bad. Then Magmortar's poke-power is called Torrid Wave, and what it does is that once during your turn before you attack if magmortar is your active pokemon you may choose 1 of the defending pokemon and that pokemon is now burned, then you get to put 3 damage counters instead of 2 on that pokemon between turns, this power can't be used if Magmortar is affected by a Special Condition. Now his second attack is called Flame Bluster and it works for 4 fire energy so it's pretty pricey, but what it says is you have to discard 2 fire energy attached to Magmortar, you choose one of your opponent's Pokemon and this attack does 100 damage to that pokemon, but you can't apply weakness and resistance to benched pokemon and that during your next turn Magmortar can't use flame bluster. So this card is pretty good. Peace out and bye.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day: Metagross star( EX Delta Species set)

Hello and sorry I didn't do a card of the day review yesterday, but i was doing homework till 1 in the morning. Anyways today's card of the day is Metagross star from the ex delta species set. To start off this card is a basic pokemon and it has 90 hp which is actually pretty good for a basic card. This card has a weakness to fire which can be really harmful since it only has 90 hp, but i'm glad that it's not a x2 or plus 10 or plus 20. Then it has a -30 resistance to grass which makes up for the health points and that it has only 90 hp and it is also really good because grass type is commonly used. This card has a 3 colorless energy retreat cost which is pretty pricey so i would make sure i have a bunch of energy's before playing this card. Then this card's first attack is called Critical Collection and it does 10 damage for one metal energy, and it says that you count the number of prize cards your opponent has taken, and then you get to search your discard pile for up to that many metal energy cards and attach them to metagross star. His second attack is Hyper Beam and it works for 5 energy's which is really pricey and it only does do 50 damage, but it says that you get to flip a coin and if heads discard and energy card attached to the defending pokemon. So this card is half good, half bad. Peace out and bye.

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Typhlosion Prime(Heart Gold & Soul Silver Set)

Hello today's card of the day is Typhlosion Prime from the heartgold and soulsilver set. This card has 140 hp which is really good for a stage 2 pokemon. This card to start of has a x2 weakness to water which is bad, but expected. Another thing about this card is that it doesn't have a resistance which is really bad since it has a x2 weakness to water. One good thing about this card is that it has a 2 colorless energy retreat cost which is good since a lot of other cards have a 3 colorless energy retreat cost. To start of this card's poke-power is called AfterBurner which let's you search your discard pile for 1 fire energy and put it on a pokemon, but you got to put a damage counter on that pokemon and this power can't be used if typhlosion is affected by a special condition. His second attack is called Flare Destroy and it does 70 damage to the pokemon for 3 energy, 2 fire and one colorless. After attacking you have to discard an energy attached to typhlosion and one to the defending pokemon. This card is pretty good. Peace out and bye.

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Blaziken ex(Ex Crystal Guardians)

Hello today's card of the day review is on blaziken ex from the ex crystal guardians set. To start of this card has a 130 hp which is pretty good for a stage 2 card. This card has a weakness to psychic which isn't that bad since psychic pokemon aren't used much and it's not thata strong type. One bad thing about this card is that it has no resistance, but atleast it's not x2 or +30 weakness to psychic. One really good thing about this card is that it has only a 2 energy retreat cost which is good for an ex card. His first attack is called Drag Off and it does 30 damage for 2 energy, one fighting energy and one colorless. Then it says that before doing damage your opponent has to choose 1 benched pokemon and switch with one of the defending pokemon( your opponent chooses the defending pokemon). His second attack is Burn away is good, but it is pretty pricey since it's worth 4 energy, one fire, one fighting, and 2 colorless. This attack does 100 damage and it says that before doing damage, you get to count the remaining HP of the defending pokemon, and if that pokemon is knocked out by this attack blaziken ex does damage to itself equal to this attacks damage minus the remaining Hp of the defending pokemon, and this attack's damage isn't affected by weakness, resistance, poke-powers, poke-bodies or any other effects on that pokemon. So this card is really good. Peace out and bye.

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Crobat Prime (HS Unleashed)

Hello and sorry about not posting a card of the day yesterday, but i was really busy. Today's card of the day is Crobat Prime from the unleashed set, i know this set hasn't come out yet, but i just wanted to make something a little new. This card is a stage 2 card and it has 130 hp which is pretty good, but I expected more from a stage 2 card. This card has a x2 wekness to electricity which can be really bad because this card only has 130 hp so for that i wish it was +20 not x2. Also this card has a -20 resistance to fighting which i guess is pretty good, but fighting isn't used much. One thing I do live about this card is that it has no retreat cost which kinda makes up for the x2 weakness to electricity because if crobat gets hurt by electricity you can easily retreat it. His first attack is called Severe Poison and it works for one phychic energy. What it says is that the defending pokemon is now poisoned, and you put 4 damage counters instead of 1 on that pokemon between turns. His second attack is called skill dive and it works for one phsychich energy and it says that you get to choose one of your opponent's pokemon and this attack does 30 damage to that pokemon, but don't count weakness and resistance for benched pokemon. So hoped you liked the review and look at the picture to see crobat prime. Peace out and bye. Sorry i want able to gat the picture if i find it i shall post it.

viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

Card of the day:Infernape Lv.X (Diamond and Pearl Set)

Hello today's card of the day is Infernape Lv.x from the diamond and pearl set. This card is a stage 3 pokemon and it has 120 hp which is pretty good, but i expected more from a stage 3 lv x card, this card also has no resistance which makes it even worse, but luckily this card has no retreat cost which is amazingly awsome. Infernape has a poke-power called Burning Head and it says that you get to look at the top 3 cards from your deck choose one of them and put the other two in your discard pile. Now his second attack is caled flare up and it does 150 damage for 2 fire energy, but it says that you have to search your discard pile for 8 fire energy's, but if you can't find 8 fire energy this attack does nothing, so i would save this card for the last part of the game so i could use flare up and before i used this card i would make sure i have 8 fire energys in my discard pile. Peace out and bye.

jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Card of the day:Scyther Reprint(Platinum)

Hello today's card of the day is Scyther Reprint from platinum. Scyther has 70 hp which is pretty good for basic pokemon. This card has a x2 weakness to fire which can be really bad since scyther only has 70 hp, this card also has a -30 resistance to fighting which is pretty good since fighting is a pretty strong type, but it isn't commonly used. Another thing i love about this card is that it has no retreat cost, which is really awesome. This card doesn't have a poke-power or a poke-body, but it has something close to it and it's his first attack called Swords Dance and it works for one grass energy and what it says is that during your next turn Scyther's second attack slash, base damage is 60 instead of 30 which is really good. His second attack is slash and it works for 3 colorless energy's, it does 30 damage, but if you use swords dance before it does 60 damage so this card is pretty good. Peace out and bye.

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Card of the day: Leafeon Lv.X(Majestic Dawn)

Hello today's card of the day is Leafeon Lv.X, this card is pretty good since to start of it has 110 hp. This card has a +30 weakness to fire which can be extremly bad since fire pokemon are often used in the game and they are really strong, but at least this card has a -20 resistance to water which is commonly used in the pokemon and it is a really strong type. This card has a 2 colorless energy retreat cost which isn't bad for a lv.x. His poke-power is called Energy Forcing and it says that once during your turn (before you attack) you can attach an energy to 1 of your pokemon, thought this can't be used if leafeon is affected by a special condition. Then Leafeon's attack is called Verdant Dance and it does 30+ damage for 2 energy, one gras, one colorless, then it does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each energy attached to all of your pokemon.

martes, 27 de abril de 2010

Card of the day(Rhyperior Lv.x (legends awekened)

Hello today's card of the day is Rhyperior Lv.X from Legends Awekened. This card is really good first off it has 170 hp which is awesome. Sadly this card has a x2 weakness to water which is bad because water is a pretty common type in the pokemon game and a really strong type, this card also has a -20 resistance to electricity which is kind of good since electricity is not that used. It has a a 4 colorless energy retreat cost which is pretty pricey, but this card is worth it. His first attack does 50x damage for no energy, but you have to discard the top 5 cards from your deck and for every energy you discard you do 50 more damage which is kind of bad and you would need a lot of energy restores. Then his second attack is called Upthrow and it works for three energy, two fighting and i colorless, it does 60 damage and you get to search you're discard pile for all your fighting energy and put them back into your deck. So this card is awesome. Peace out and bye.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

The Card of the Day (Red gyarados from heart gold soul silver)

Hello today's card of the day is red gyarados from the heart gold soul silver set. To start off this card is a stage 1 pokemon and it has 130 hp which is really good cause that's more than some lv x like rayquaza c lv x. This card has a by 2 weakness to electricity(which is expected) and a -20 resistance to fighting which is kinda good but fighting isn't that popular in the pokemon trading card game. This cards has a 3 colorless energy retreat cost which is kind of pricey. Then his first attack is Thrash and it does 30 damage plus, then you get to flip a coin, if heads it does 20 more damage so in total 50 damge but if tails gyarados does 20 damage to itself, which is pretty good because all this cost is 1 colorless energy. Now his second attack is heavy storm and it does 70 damage, but it costs 3 colorless energy, and 1 water energy, but the good thing you don't have to discard any energy so before i threw this pokemon into the game i would make sure to have lots of colorless energy's. Peace out and bye.

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

Card of tha day: Rayquaza C Lv x (Supreme Victors)

Hello today's card of the day is Rayquaza C Lv x from Supreme Victors, for starters it has 120 hp which is pretty good for a stage one pokemon. This card has a colorless by 2 weakness to colorless, but it has a -20 resistance to fighting. The good thing about this card is that even though it's a pricey retreat cost of 3 colorless energy this card is worth it. First his poke-body Dragon Spirit gives you the ability that if Rayquaza C is you active pokemon and it is damaged but not lnocked out you get to look for an energy from your discard pile. Then his attack is hard to use since it takes 4 energy , 1 water energy, 1 phsychic energy , 1 fighting energy and one colorless but it does 200 big ones. I would totally wait till i have no cards in my hand to use this attck becausen it says that you have to discard all energy attached to rayquaza unless you have no cards in your hand. Peace out bye.

Kyogre ex(Crystal Guardians)

Hello today's card of the day review is kyogre ex. This card is a rally strong stage 1 pokemon because for starters it has 100 hp which could be better but i'm not complaining. Kyogre has a weakness to electricity which is expected, and a 2 colorless energy retreat cost. Then his poke-body is called flotation and it does amazing things for no energy, cause if you have 1 or less energy attached to kyogre his retreat cost is nothing. His second attack, Hydro Shot, works for 3 energy, 2 water, 1 colorless, then you have to discard 2 energy attached to kyogre but you get to choose 1 of your opponet's pokemon and it does 70 damage to that pokemon, but you can't count weakness and resistance for benched pokemon. So this card is pretty good. And yesterday night i posted a video of me opening 2 pokemon booster packs so yeah watch it.

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Cards I'm Looking For

How do i need it and what is the chance of getting it the coomons or uncommons or rares no holo i can get them reverse or normal (check to check the cards and numbers)
R=reverse H-holo N=normal C=common u=uncommon ra=rare

Heart Gold Soul Silver cards i'm looking for

(this next cards can be R or N)
Full Heal-N-u
Moomoo milk-N-u
Pokemon reversal-N-u
Professor Elm's Training Method-N-u

Prime, Lgends

Ampharos prime
Blissey prime
Feraligatr(promo or non promo)prime
Meganium(promo or no promo)
Typhlosion prime (promo or non promo)
Ho-oh top and bottom
Lugia top and bottom
Lugia water energy
Ampharos lightning energy
Sudowwodo fighting energy
Umbreon dar energy S
teelix metal energy
Red Gyarados Holo or Reverse
Alph Lithograph
Arceus Sets

Arceus Lv x-ra(94/99 promo or non promo arceuses)
Arceus Lv x-ra(96/99 promo or non promo arceuses)
Salamence Lv x
Tangrowth Lv x
Bagon-R-SH10-Shining Holo
Shinx-R-SH12-Shining Holo
Supreme Victors Set
Absol G-R-H-ra
Blaziken Fb-R-ra
Drifiblim Fb-R-ra
Electrivire Fb-H-ra
Rayquaza C-H-R-ra
Regigigas Fb-R-ra
Arcanine g-R or N
Dusknoir Fb-R or N-ra
Seaking-R or N-ra
Absol G Lv x-ra
Charizard G Lv x NON PROMO
Rayquaza C lv x NON PROMO
Staraptor Fb Lvx
Zapdos reprint-H-150/147
Milotic SH7-Shining Holo
Yanma SH9-Shining Holo
Rising Rivals Set
Bastiodon Gl-H-R-ra
Darkrai G-H-ra
Floatzel Gl-H-ra
Luxray Gl-R-ra
Mismagius Gl-H-R-ra
Rampardos Gl-H-R-ra
Roserade Gl-H-R-ra
Draipion 4-N-ra
Espeon 4-N-ra
Gallade 4-N-ra
Gastrodon (east sea)-N-ra
Golem 4-N-ra
Yanmega 4-ra
Alakazam 4 lv x-ra
Floatzael Gl lv x-ra
Gallade 4 lv x-ra
Hippowdon lv x-ra
Infernape 4 lv x-ra
Luxray Gl Lv x-ra
Mismagius Gl Lv x-ra
Snorlax Lv x-ra
Pikachu Base set reprint(112/111)
Flying Pikachu (113/111)
Surfing Pikachu(114/111)
Fan Rotom-Rt1
Frost Rotom-Rt2
Heat Rotom-Rt3
Mow Rotom-Rt4
Wash Rotom-Rt5
Charon's Choice-Rt6
Dialga G-R-H-ra
Giratina-R-H-ra (9/127)
Giratina-R-H-ra (10/127)
Palkia G-R-H-ra
Shaymin(Land Form)-R-H-ra
Shaymin(Sky Form)-R-H-ra
Weavile G-R-H-ra
Dialga-N-ra (23/127)
Giratina-N-ra (27/127)
Giratina-N-ra (28/127)
Gyarados G-N-ra
Palkia-N-ra (37/127)
Toxicroak G-N-ra
Houndoom G-N-u
Skuntank G-N-c
Broken Time-Space-N-u
Cyrus's Conspiracy-N-u
Level Max-N-u
Life Herb-N-u
Looker's Investigation-N-u
Memory Berry-N-u
Team Galactic's invention g-103 Power Spray-N-u
Skull Fossil hp 50-N-c
Lv x/Reprint/Shining Holo
Dialga G Lv x-ra
Drapion Lv x-ra
Giratina Lv x-ra (promo and non promo
Palkia G Lv x-ra
Shaymin (Land Form) Lv x-ra
Shaymin (Sky Form)-ra (promo and the non promo one)
Electabuzz reprint-H-ra-128/127
Hitmonchan reprint-H-ra-129/127
Scyther reprint-H-ra-130/127
Lotad-R-SH4-Shining holo 4
Swablu-R-SH5-Shining holo 5
Vulpix-R-SH6-Shining Holo 6
I'll keep on going later

Salamence Lv.X (from Arceus)

Hello today's card of the day review is Salamence lv. X from the Arceus set. This card is really good because to start with it has 160 hp which is pretty good for a lv x card ( and i actually think it's the highest). This card has a by 2 weakness to colorless but it has a -20 resistance to fighting which is pretty good because fighting pokemon are really popular and used. Then it has a retreat cost of 2 colorless energy which is really cheap for a pokemon this good. Now his poke-power, double fall, is really great because once during your turn when you put salamence lv x on top of salamence you use this power and all the pokemon that are knocked out by salamence's attack you get to take that number of prize cards( if you don't understand look at the picture). Then his second attack, steam blast, does 100 damage for only 4 energy's, 2 colorless, one water, and one fire, but after you use this attack you have to discard one energy which isn't hard because on your next turn you gat another one of the four you discarded and 100 damage again. So this card does amazing things for a really cheap cost. So peace out and bye.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Zapdos (Base Set)

Hello today's card of the day is zapdos from base set. To start off this card has 90 hp which is great for a basic pokemon. One of the great things about this card is that it has no weakness. This card also has a resistance of -30 to fighting but it does have a three colorless energy retreat cost which isn't bad after what this card can do. His first attack does 60 damage for 3 lightning energy and 1 colorless which is kind of bad since after that attack you have to flip a coin and if tails it does 30 damage to itself. Then his second attack does 100 damage for 4 lightning energy but after using it, you have to discard all energy attached to zapdos. This card is actually pretty good and if i had it i would use it on my deck. Sp peace out and bye

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Charizard G Lv.X (Supreme Victors)

Today's Card of the day review is Charizard G Lv.X from supreme victors. First Charizard's poke-power call for power since it lets you move any energy form any pokemon and attach it to charizard g lv x unless he is of course affected by a special condition. Then Charizard's attack malevolent fire does 150 damage but it is a little expensive since it costs 2 colorless energy and 3 fire energy. The second bad thing about that attack is that you have to flip a coin, if tails you have to discard all energy attached to charizard. Then of course he has a water by 2 weakness but a -20 resistance to fighting. Then his retreat cost is pretty expensive too since it's 3 colorless energy but it doen't matter when it's a strong pokemon like this. So stay tuned tomorrow for the next card of the day review. Peace out.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Mow Rotom(Rising Rivals)

Today's card of the day is mow rotom from rising rivals. For a basic pokemon it's a pretty good card since it has 90 hp. Bad thing about this card is that it has a +20 weaknes to dark which is pretty bad cause dark is a pretty strong type but it has a -20 resitance to normal which makes up for it. Then it's attacks are also pretty good, first of all his poke-power called mow shift is that once during your turn before you attack you can make mow rotom turn into grass type. Then his first attack slash does 20 damage for 2 colorless energy's which for me is a little expensive for 20 damage only. Then his second attack is called mow down and it can do 50 damage for 1 grass energy and 2 colorless energy but the good thing about this attack is that you get to discard one energy attached to every one of your opponet's pokemon. But good thing is that the two colorless energy from slash instead of using them there you can use them for the retreat cost. So this card is pretty good.

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Lt. Surge's Magneton (Gym Heroes)

Hello today's card of the day review is on Lt.Surge's Magneton. This card is pretty good one bad thing about it is that it only has 70 hp. His poke-power is calleed energy charge and what it says as often as you like (before you attack) and Lt.Surge's Magneton is your active pokemon you can take a lightning energy from any of your pokemon and attach it to Lt.Surge's Magneton but you can't use this poke-power if Lt.Surge's Magneton is asleep, confused or Paralyzed. Then his attack works for 3 lightning energy and one colorless energy and it does 50 damage and you have to flip a coin and if tails Lt.Surge's Magneton does 20 damage to itself. So half good card it's got advanteges and bad things so stay tuned for tommorow's card of the day review. Peace out.

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Leafeon (Majestic Dawn)

Today's card of the day review is leafeon from mejestic dawn. It's pretty good for a stage 2 pokemon because it has 90 hp. Sadly it is 20 + weak to fire but it has a 20- resistance to water. This pokemon also has a 2 colorless energy retreat cost. Now it's first attack is Bind Down that works for only one grass energy and it does 30 damage, after using this attack your opponent can't retreat during his next turn. His second attack is Leaf Guard that does 60 damage for 2 colorless and 1 grass energy. Then in your opponent's next turn any attack that has been used on leafeon is lowered by 20. So pretty good card. So peace out bye.

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Hey this is my new Blog

Hey i know i said i was going to make palkia from majestic dawn but i decide to make arcanine holo from rising rivals.
This card is very goodit's poke body is awesome cause it says that as long as arcanine has a fire energy attached to it it has no weakness which is good since it's weakness is water +20. It's second attack is pretty good cause it does 30 damege plus 30 more damage if you want to but then arcanine is burned. His last attack does 60 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter and you have to discard one fire energy. So this card would totally go on my deck peace out and check out tommorw's card of the day review.

Sorry Groudon got cut in half but i'm here to tell you something wierd the cards that are sp have little misprinted black lines in the edge and cards that aren't sp don't take a look.

Hey today i'm gonna be reviewing Groudon star from ex delta species. This cards is pretty good since for one fighting energy it can do 10 damage and you count your opponets prize cards and you can search your deck for that ammount of fighting energy. Then it's second attack does 80 damage for 3 fighting energy and two colorless energy an you only have to discard one energy. The bad thing is that it only has 90 hp and it takes 3 colorless energy retreat cost but suprisingly it is only weak to water and it has no resistence. So stay tuned for tommorow palkia holo from majestic dawn.


I know this torterra isn't real but i found the picture on google and i just liked it.

Hey since i haven't written in a long time i'm writing a lot today and message me for the next card of the day review also i'm going to make a an written poll:the question :what are your top five favorit pokemon? so leave a comment down there and check out a picyure of my favorite pokemon in shiny form. So leave in he comments what are your top 5 favorite pokemon.

Also i said i was going to write about upcoming sets so here is a picture of a card of a mini set there will be cards called lost link it has cards like magnezone prime, gengar prime, and mew prime but i'm going to post a card called cresselia vs. darkrai because there are going to be two new games pokemon white and pokemon black so i think pokemon white has creselia as legendary pokemon and darkrai as legendary in pokemon black. I'm sorry it has to be in jappanese


Hey this is legomaster787 i'm going to try to post a photo of ho-oh legend which i personally like better than lugia lengend.
Ho-oh has a 10 more hp than lugia giving him 140 hp. Also his poke body Sacred Rainbow lets you put any kind of energy count as fire. Then for only 4 energy's which shouldn't be hard after using Sacred Rainbow let's you use Bright Wing that does 100 damage and you only have to discard one energy. So if you packed like 30 energy's and 10 trainers and like 18 pokemon and ho-oh legend you could really have a strong deck and you shoud also have a lot of energy search trainers which let you look for a an energy from your deck. So this is legomaster787 i'm out.

Hey sorry i haven't written in a long time it's just iv'e been really busy so anyways let me talk to you,
I just posted my entire collection video and i checked i have 139 holos also i ought a booster pack and got arcanine holo witch is traded so stay tuned for tommorow.Im out.
Hey this is legomaster787 sorry about the giant image still trying to take it off by the way i just posted my updted binder i have 18 Lv.X, 1 Prime, 2 Ex, and 113 holographics so watch it it's really good quality. Anyways soon i'm gonna post about my winning deck. I also wanna clear things up for people who are confused it's not pronunced ar-se-us it's ar-key-us hope that helped

Hey this is legomaster787 and this is my new blog and i'm gonna have all kinds of stuff.
First i'm gonna tell about my upcoming video an ex delta species booster pack.
A couple of days ago i made my first tcbm and i hope to a lot more of trades.(by the way scoob2495 trusted trader)

Iv'e seen cards from the upcoming sets like unleashed which has awesome cards like tyranitar and kingdra prime.

I'm also gonna be making polls every week i'm still trying to figure out how to do that and soon there will be a picture of my favorite pokemon torterra so this is legomaster787 and i have one more thing to tell you about my deck/tcbm accont that's called mylegomaster787 and i'm out.