sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

Card of tha day: Rayquaza C Lv x (Supreme Victors)

Hello today's card of the day is Rayquaza C Lv x from Supreme Victors, for starters it has 120 hp which is pretty good for a stage one pokemon. This card has a colorless by 2 weakness to colorless, but it has a -20 resistance to fighting. The good thing about this card is that even though it's a pricey retreat cost of 3 colorless energy this card is worth it. First his poke-body Dragon Spirit gives you the ability that if Rayquaza C is you active pokemon and it is damaged but not lnocked out you get to look for an energy from your discard pile. Then his attack is hard to use since it takes 4 energy , 1 water energy, 1 phsychic energy , 1 fighting energy and one colorless but it does 200 big ones. I would totally wait till i have no cards in my hand to use this attck becausen it says that you have to discard all energy attached to rayquaza unless you have no cards in your hand. Peace out bye.

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