domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Crobat Prime (HS Unleashed)

Hello and sorry about not posting a card of the day yesterday, but i was really busy. Today's card of the day is Crobat Prime from the unleashed set, i know this set hasn't come out yet, but i just wanted to make something a little new. This card is a stage 2 card and it has 130 hp which is pretty good, but I expected more from a stage 2 card. This card has a x2 wekness to electricity which can be really bad because this card only has 130 hp so for that i wish it was +20 not x2. Also this card has a -20 resistance to fighting which i guess is pretty good, but fighting isn't used much. One thing I do live about this card is that it has no retreat cost which kinda makes up for the x2 weakness to electricity because if crobat gets hurt by electricity you can easily retreat it. His first attack is called Severe Poison and it works for one phychic energy. What it says is that the defending pokemon is now poisoned, and you put 4 damage counters instead of 1 on that pokemon between turns. His second attack is called skill dive and it works for one phsychich energy and it says that you get to choose one of your opponent's pokemon and this attack does 30 damage to that pokemon, but don't count weakness and resistance for benched pokemon. So hoped you liked the review and look at the picture to see crobat prime. Peace out and bye. Sorry i want able to gat the picture if i find it i shall post it.

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