martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Typhlosion Prime(Heart Gold & Soul Silver Set)

Hello today's card of the day is Typhlosion Prime from the heartgold and soulsilver set. This card has 140 hp which is really good for a stage 2 pokemon. This card to start of has a x2 weakness to water which is bad, but expected. Another thing about this card is that it doesn't have a resistance which is really bad since it has a x2 weakness to water. One good thing about this card is that it has a 2 colorless energy retreat cost which is good since a lot of other cards have a 3 colorless energy retreat cost. To start of this card's poke-power is called AfterBurner which let's you search your discard pile for 1 fire energy and put it on a pokemon, but you got to put a damage counter on that pokemon and this power can't be used if typhlosion is affected by a special condition. His second attack is called Flare Destroy and it does 70 damage to the pokemon for 3 energy, 2 fire and one colorless. After attacking you have to discard an energy attached to typhlosion and one to the defending pokemon. This card is pretty good. Peace out and bye.

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