domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Rampardos Gl(Rising Rivals Set)

Hello everyone today's card of the day is Rampardos Gl from the Rising Rivals Set. 90 hp is pretty good for a basic pokemon card. This card has a x2 weakness to grass which is good and bad since grass is stronger on hp than attack, but still x2 weakness is pretty bad and i hope it was +20 instead. This card has no resistance which makes it even worse, but luckily it has a 1 colorless energy retreat cost which is pretty cool because if that weakness to grass causes problems since it only has 90 hp you can retreat it easily. His first attack Trample works for 2 energy, 1 fighting and 1 colorless and it let's you flip a coin for each benched pokemon(sadly both yours and your opponent) because if that flip coin is heads, this attack does 30 damage to that pokemon , but atleast you don't have to count Weakness and resistance for benched pokemon. Then Rend does 40+ damage and it works for 3 energy's,1 fighting, 2 colorless, and it says that if the defending pokemon has any damage counters on it this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage. So this card like all cards has his upsies and his downsies. Stay tuned for tommorow's card of the day Bastiodong Gl. So peace out and bye.

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