jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day: Metagross star( EX Delta Species set)

Hello and sorry I didn't do a card of the day review yesterday, but i was doing homework till 1 in the morning. Anyways today's card of the day is Metagross star from the ex delta species set. To start off this card is a basic pokemon and it has 90 hp which is actually pretty good for a basic card. This card has a weakness to fire which can be really harmful since it only has 90 hp, but i'm glad that it's not a x2 or plus 10 or plus 20. Then it has a -30 resistance to grass which makes up for the health points and that it has only 90 hp and it is also really good because grass type is commonly used. This card has a 3 colorless energy retreat cost which is pretty pricey so i would make sure i have a bunch of energy's before playing this card. Then this card's first attack is called Critical Collection and it does 10 damage for one metal energy, and it says that you count the number of prize cards your opponent has taken, and then you get to search your discard pile for up to that many metal energy cards and attach them to metagross star. His second attack is Hyper Beam and it works for 5 energy's which is really pricey and it only does do 50 damage, but it says that you get to flip a coin and if heads discard and energy card attached to the defending pokemon. So this card is half good, half bad. Peace out and bye.

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