martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Jumpluff(HeartGold & Soul Silver Set)

Hello everyone and sorry for not doing the card of the day review for the last week, but I went to a hotel and they didn't have a computer, but now that i'm back let's get started. This is a stage 2 pokemon card so 90 hp is pretty good, but I have seen stage 1 pokemon with more hp. Okay this card doesn't have much hp so a x2 weakness to fire can knock it down easily and fire s used a lot in the pokemon game. A -20 resistance to fighting is really bad since fighting isn't used that much and i wish it could be something better like water or something because water is used just a little more often. One great thing about this card is that it doesn't have a retreat cost so that kind of makes up for the weakness and resistance. His first attack is called Mass attack and it works for 1 energy, 1 grass energy, and it does 10x damage because it says that it does 10 damage times the number of Pokemon in play(both your and your opponent's). His second attack is called Leaf Guard and it does 30 damage for 1 grass energy. Leaf Gurad also says during your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Jumpluff by attacks is reduced by 30( after applying Weakness and Resistance). So what I would do is put this card on the field and keep using Leaf Guard which could sometimes help when your fighting fire type Pokemon because if the defending pokemon has already used that attack it's reduced by 30 which isn't that great, but it will help a bit. Later on when there's a bunch of pokemon in the game I would use Mass Attack which could end up doing a lot of damage and then if that weakness to fire gets to dangerous you can retreat Jumpluff very easily. Anyways stay tuned for tomorrow's card of the day.Peace out and bye.

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