martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Darkrai promo(Premium Box set)

Hello today's card of the day is Darkrai promo from the Premium Box. I know this card is not from an actual pack, but my friend wanted me to this card. Now this card has 80 hp so it's pretty bad cause I expected more from a Basic legendary pokemon. Now this card has a +20 weakness to fighting which is a little odd nad it's actually not that bad because fighting isn't used much. This card has a -20 resistance to psichic which is not that good because psichic isn't used much and it's not such a strong type, but with 80 hp only i'll take anything. Now this card has a 1 colorless energy retreat cost is really good because it's easy to retreat th card. Now since this is one of those pokemon with items it can do something special, this item is called Enigma Berry and this item says that if Darkrai is damaged by an attack from your opponent's fighting Pokemon, remove 4 damage counters at the end end of that turn so that makes up for his weakness. Now his first attack is called Spacial Rend and it does 10 for 1 water energy and it says that you search your deck for a Stadium card, show it to your opponen, and put it in into your hand and you have to shuffle your deck afterward and if there are any stadium cards in play you have to discard it. And now his second attack is called Roar of Time and it does 80 damage for 3 metal energy, and you have to search your discard pile for 3 Pokemon, show them to your opponenet, and put them on top of your deck, shuffle your deck afterwars(if you don't have 3 Pokemon in your discard pile this attack does nothing. So this card is pretty good. Peace out and bye.

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