martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Mow Rotom(Rising Rivals)

Today's card of the day is mow rotom from rising rivals. For a basic pokemon it's a pretty good card since it has 90 hp. Bad thing about this card is that it has a +20 weaknes to dark which is pretty bad cause dark is a pretty strong type but it has a -20 resitance to normal which makes up for it. Then it's attacks are also pretty good, first of all his poke-power called mow shift is that once during your turn before you attack you can make mow rotom turn into grass type. Then his first attack slash does 20 damage for 2 colorless energy's which for me is a little expensive for 20 damage only. Then his second attack is called mow down and it can do 50 damage for 1 grass energy and 2 colorless energy but the good thing about this attack is that you get to discard one energy attached to every one of your opponet's pokemon. But good thing is that the two colorless energy from slash instead of using them there you can use them for the retreat cost. So this card is pretty good.

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