lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Ludicolo (Secret Wonders)

Hello today's card of the day is Ludicolo holo from the Secret Wonders set. This is a stage 2 card so 100 hp is kinda good. Now a +30 weakness to electricity is good and bad, it's good since electric pokemon aren't commonly used, but bad because since it doesn't have much hp it can be knocked out easily. And to top it off it has no resistance which makes not having much hp problem worse. Now a 2 colorless energy retreat cost isn't that bad because if that no resitance, and no weakness problem gets bad you can retreat it easily, and it's also good because some stage 1 cards normally have 3 colorless energy retreat cost so this is pretty good. This card also has a Poke-Body called Rain Dish and it lest you at any time between turns, remove 1 damage counter from Ludicolo so that can help you with his low hp and weakness. And his attack is called Nature Power and it does 60+ damage for 3 enegy's, 1 colorless, 2 water. Now this attcak says that if you have a stadium card in play, this attack does 60 damage plus 20 more damage. And then it also says that if your opponent has a Stadium card in play, the defending pokemon is now confused. So you can end up doing 80 damage for 3 energy's. So stay tuned for tomorrow's card of the day Skuntank holo from the Diamond and Pearl set. Peace out and bye.

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