jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

Card o the day:Koga's Ditto(Gym Challenge)

Hello everyone sorry for not posting any card of the day yesterday, but i'll do 2 today. Today's card of the day is Koga's Ditto from the Gym Challenge set. This is a really old card from a really old set. Okay this card is a basic pokemon card so 40 hp is kinda bad because one attack can knock ditto out. Now a weakness to fighting can be bad, but fighting isn't used much and it isn't that strong. A -30 resistance to psychic is pretty good, but psychic isn't used much, but you can't argue for a -30. A one colorless energy retreat cost is expected since this is a basic card. Now his first attack is Giant Growth and it says that you gat to flip a coin, if heads Koga's Ditto maximum HP is now 80 and Koga's Ditto Pound attack's base damage is 30 instead of 10 and it does all this for 1 colorless energy. Okay now his second attack is Pound and it does 10 damage unless you use giant growth and then it does 30 damage for only one colorless energy. Peace out and bye. Stay tuned tomorrow for Registeel star from the legend maker set.

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