lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Blaziken ex(Ex Crystal Guardians)

Hello today's card of the day review is on blaziken ex from the ex crystal guardians set. To start of this card has a 130 hp which is pretty good for a stage 2 card. This card has a weakness to psychic which isn't that bad since psychic pokemon aren't used much and it's not thata strong type. One bad thing about this card is that it has no resistance, but atleast it's not x2 or +30 weakness to psychic. One really good thing about this card is that it has only a 2 energy retreat cost which is good for an ex card. His first attack is called Drag Off and it does 30 damage for 2 energy, one fighting energy and one colorless. Then it says that before doing damage your opponent has to choose 1 benched pokemon and switch with one of the defending pokemon( your opponent chooses the defending pokemon). His second attack is Burn away is good, but it is pretty pricey since it's worth 4 energy, one fire, one fighting, and 2 colorless. This attack does 100 damage and it says that before doing damage, you get to count the remaining HP of the defending pokemon, and if that pokemon is knocked out by this attack blaziken ex does damage to itself equal to this attacks damage minus the remaining Hp of the defending pokemon, and this attack's damage isn't affected by weakness, resistance, poke-powers, poke-bodies or any other effects on that pokemon. So this card is really good. Peace out and bye.

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