jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Zapdos (Base Set)

Hello today's card of the day is zapdos from base set. To start off this card has 90 hp which is great for a basic pokemon. One of the great things about this card is that it has no weakness. This card also has a resistance of -30 to fighting but it does have a three colorless energy retreat cost which isn't bad after what this card can do. His first attack does 60 damage for 3 lightning energy and 1 colorless which is kind of bad since after that attack you have to flip a coin and if tails it does 30 damage to itself. Then his second attack does 100 damage for 4 lightning energy but after using it, you have to discard all energy attached to zapdos. This card is actually pretty good and if i had it i would use it on my deck. Sp peace out and bye

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