sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

Card of the day:Roserade Gl(Rising Rivals)

Hello today's card of the day is Roserade Gl from the Rising Rivals set. To start off this card is a basic Pokemon, so 80 hp is pretty good for a basic pokemon. A x2 weakness can be really harmful since it only has 80 hp. It also doesn't have any resistance which makes it worse, but luckily it has a 1 colorless energy retreat cost so it's gonna be easy to retreat if that weaness to fire does to too much damage. This card's first attack is called Poison Bind and it does 10 damage for one colorless energy. Also along with that 10 damage it says that the defending pokemon is now poisoned and can't retreat during your opponent's next turn. Long Whip let's you do 30 damage for 2 energy's, one grass and one colorless. Now Long Whip also says that if the Defending Pokemon is affected by any special conditions you may do 30 damage to any 1 bencheed pokemon instead, but sadly you can't count weakness and resistance to benched pokemon. Now what i would do is use Poison Bind to poison the other pokemon and then use Long Whip to do 30 damage to a benched pokemon your'e more interested in knocking out so stay tuned for tomorrow card of the day review on Rampardos Gl. Peace out and bye.

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