lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

The Card of the Day (Red gyarados from heart gold soul silver)

Hello today's card of the day is red gyarados from the heart gold soul silver set. To start off this card is a stage 1 pokemon and it has 130 hp which is really good cause that's more than some lv x like rayquaza c lv x. This card has a by 2 weakness to electricity(which is expected) and a -20 resistance to fighting which is kinda good but fighting isn't that popular in the pokemon trading card game. This cards has a 3 colorless energy retreat cost which is kind of pricey. Then his first attack is Thrash and it does 30 damage plus, then you get to flip a coin, if heads it does 20 more damage so in total 50 damge but if tails gyarados does 20 damage to itself, which is pretty good because all this cost is 1 colorless energy. Now his second attack is heavy storm and it does 70 damage, but it costs 3 colorless energy, and 1 water energy, but the good thing you don't have to discard any energy so before i threw this pokemon into the game i would make sure to have lots of colorless energy's. Peace out and bye.

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